Plenty of possibilities
Image Gallery
ModuloBox have the ability to group several media (image, video, iframe, HTML content) in a lightbox in order to create galleries.
A gallery name can be easily specified thanks to data-rel
, whatever the position of the media in your document.
If you are using a WordPress Gallery Shortcode, ModuloBox will automatically group all images in a gallery whose name is the gallery ID.
With ModuloBox you can display thumbnails for your galleries.
Thumbnails are really helpful to navigate trough large galleries with ease.
It supports touch navigation, and a simple click/tap on thumbnail allows to navigate through the gallery.
Thumbnails are fully responsive and can have different sizes per browser width.
By setting a size of 0
, it is even possible to hide thumbnails on a specific device width.
Two navigation types are also available for the thumbnails slider: Basic
and Centered
Thanks to the following settings, you will be able to easily test thumbnails behaviour and see how much it is flexible!
* By setting a width and/or a height of 0, no thumbnail will be displayed
Video Gallery
ModuloBox supports Youtube, Vimeo, Wistia, Dailymotion and HTML5 (.mp4, .webm, .ogv) videos.
ModuloBox will automatically recognize the video format. For video streams, you simply need to use the embed link provided on the video service.
Videos can have their own poster. ModuloBox can also automatically fetches video poster from video stream service.
Videos can be automatically played when opening and navigating.
Videos are only loaded when you click on the play buttons and are automatically stopped when navigating through the lightbox.
HTML5 videos (.mp4, .webm, .ogv) can also be played with mediaelement.js
player for a better user experience.
With ModuloBox you can display inline content from any kind of HTML markup.
Custom HTML content extends possibilities and can be used as modal to display a form for example.
ModuloBox also handles iframe to display custom url content like a website.
Used with embed services like Google Doc (PDF reader) it really offers advanced possibilities.
URL used in iframe must have a cross-origin authorization in order to be displayed in another website, or must comes from the same origin.
In order to better understand how the previous examples were made, please find below the HTML markup used.
<!-- Google Map - iframe -->
<div class="mobx" data-src="" data-type="iframe" data-rel="iframe"></div>
<!-- Website Game - iframe -->
<div class="mobx" data-src="" data-type="iframe" data-rel="game"></div>
<!-- Newsletter form - HTML -->
<div class="mobx" data-src="#newsletter" data-type="HTML" data-rel="newsletter"></div>
<!-- PDF reader (Google Docs) - iframe -->
<div class="mobx" data-src="" data-type="iframe" data-width="960" data-height="1280"></div>
<!-- Wikipedia website - iframe -->
<div class="mobx" data-src="" data-type="iframe"></div>
<!-- HTML container for #newsletter -->
<div id="newsletter" style="display: none">
<!-- your content -->
Mix content
ModuloBox can display image, video, iframe and HTML in a lightbox.
All these media formats can be mixed in a same gallery.
In the following example you will find a gallery composed of images and videos.
Dynamic content
ModuloBox can easily handle content added dynamically in a page or added thanks to the Javascript API with addMedia()
It means that you can take into account in your galleries new images appended on the fly in your page.
Mainly oriented for developers, it's possible to re-fetch all media in the document by simply calling getGalleries()
It is pretty useful to integrate ModuloBox with gallery/grid plugins or scripts powered with Ajax
Please find below a plain JavaScript code example to add images dynamically in a lightbox gallery.
// AddImages function executed on click
var addImages = function() {
// Prepare empty DOM object
var frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
// Get images to append from current document
var imgs = document.getElementsByClassName( 'my-image' );
// Generate images
for ( var i = 0; i < imgs.length; ++i ) {
// Deep clone each image markup
var img = imgs[i].cloneNode( true );
// Add to fragment
frag.appendChild( img );
// Append new images in the gallery
document.getElementById( 'my-gallery' ).appendChild( frag );
// Once new images are appended we need to re-fetch images in the document
// with getGalleries() method from ModuloBox (where mobx is the instance)
// Add click event to add-image button
document.getElementById( 'add-image' ).addEventListener( 'click', addImages, false );