

Versatile, Intuitive & Responsive

+80 Comes with more than options


Versatile content

Show off your favorite medias in an elegant and responsive way.
ModuloBox supports image, HTML5 & embed videos, iframe and HTML contents.
All content types can be mixed together in a same gallery.

HTML5/Embed Videos

Create responsive galleries of HTML5 videos (compatible with Mediaelement.js) or embed videos from Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion or Wistia.

IFRAME content

Easily display external websites from a simple url. You can display a Google Map or full page from an external website for example or anything else.

HTML Content

Display inline content from any kind of HTML markup. Custom HTML content extends possibilities and can be used as modal to display a form for example.

Multi-Touch gestures support

Easily navigate with one or several fingers on your smartphone
Swipe, drag, pinch content naturally like with a native mobile swipeable view
Support mouse, touch and pointer events to handle any device technology

Touch Gestures

Supported gestures: drag/swipe to navigate through items, pinch to zoom in/out, double-tap to zoom, drag to close, pinch to close, tap to toggle controls.

Pinch to Zoom

Like on iOS or Android, you will be able to easily zoom in or out with two fingers by pinching the content on screen. It will work on any touch device.

Double Tap to Zoom

You can also zoom in or out thanks to a double tap. Double tap allows to precisely zoom on a media point. Works with mouse double click.

Pinch to Close

Easily close the lightbox with a pinch like on a native mobile swipeable view. ModuloBox will distinguish zooming from closing method when pinching.

Drag to Close

Nowaday, it's common on touch devices to close a popup or lightbox with a vertical swipe. ModuloBox uses this method and it also works with mouse gesture.

Tap to toggle controls

When zoomed in, it's more convenient to only have the image on screen. So, by making a simple tap, you will be able to toggle controls on screen.

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Powerful functionalities

Fine tune your Lightbox with extended & awesome functionalities.
ModuloBox is the only one lightbox to gather all these possibilities in one unique plugin.
Built on top of the latest technologies, ModuloBox is smooth and performant!

Multiple Galleries

ModuloBox can handle several galleries in a page and single media at the same time. There isn't any limitation on the number of media in a gallery.

Thumbnails Navigation

Quickly navigate in your galleries thanks to thumbnails on click/tap. Thumbnails slider supports 2 navigation types: basic and centered.

Infinite scrolling

With ModuloBox you can scroll a gallery in loop. You can fine tune this behaviour by defining from how much items in a gallery infinite scrolling will be enabled.


Automatically play your gallery on click. The slideshow functionality includes an optionional and discrete circular countdown timer.

FullScreen Mode

Display your images in full-screen for a better user experience. Only works with browsers and devices which support the JavaScript Fullscreen API.

Social sharing

Share your media across the social network landscape from a page url, deeplink, or media url with Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin, etc...

Browser history

ModuloBox uses HTML5 History API to build unique urls from current opened media. These URLs allow to automatically open a gallery on page load.

Inactive state detection

Automatically hide controls when the user mouse didn't move during a certain time (4 seconds per default) or leaves the browser window.

Browser features controls

Control the browser behavior thanks to ModuloBox. Disable right click to protect content from download, hide scrollbar, or disable vertical scroll.

Intuitive Interface

ModuloBox mimics the most populars UIs like IOS, Android or Google Drive
With a well known UI, users will instantly understand how to use the lightbox,
and will easily navigate through your galleries

Fully Responsive

ModuloBox is fully responsive and will display your images, videos, iframes in the right size on any browser size and mobile device.

Smart resizing

Automatically fit images to your mobile device. If the image size is enough to fill the entire browser height, image will overflow on top bar and caption.

Vector icons

Control buttons use SVG sprite technique in order to obtain pixel perfect and high-DPI icons on any screen resolution. Perfectly fit to Retina displays.

HTML Caption

Show custom content under any media type. Captions can be composed of a title and/or a description. HTML markups are supported in caption.

Smooth Animations

ModuloBox uses last JavaScript techniques and APIs (requestAnimationFrame) in order to obtain smooth animations at 60fps on any device.

Smart Loading

Fully optimized regarding loading performances, only images and thumbnails in the browser window viewport are loaded and displayed.

Keyboard Support

Easily navigate through galleries thanks to your keyboard. Prev/Next keys allows to navigate through items and Escape key to close the lightbox.

Mouse Support

ModuloBox also supports mouse wheel event to zoom in/out on images, to navigate through items in the lightbox or to close it on scroll.

RTL Layout

ModuloBox fully supports right-to-left layout. Slide and thumbnail animations will be reversed, all controls and captions will also be in RTL layout.